Machine work finished.

I can relax a little:)

Just got done with their first bath. Still need de-buring and edge finishing but the majority of the work is done.


The VCT holes are drilled and tapped but they haven’t been drilled all the way through. Easily opened up with a drill if needed. The head has provisions for three sub plates. Timing chain idler, upper tensioner and a slack side guide pivot. The idler and tensioner are connected to the oil system and o-ringed. It is getting really crowded in there with all the oil passages, head bolts and cam tower bolts.

Next stop vacuum resin impregnation.

2 thoughts on “Machine work finished.

  1. I would like to start by saying awesome job so far !!! just an old country boy from NC . But i have been thinking of going turbo with my 260z with 3.0 L series engine or spirit z builders are making a lot of power also. Anyhow i have all ways dreamed of a twin cam L series engine if in my budget . I would like to know if they are available yet and the cost if possible. Thanks a lot Donnie Hudson.

    • Hi Donnie

      Thanks I’m pretty proud of what I’ve accomplished so far.

      I’m at the end of my first production run of 4. Tentatively they are all spoken for but it has taken a while to get them finished so that may have changed a bit. The pricing is in a state of flux right now as I’m still refining some of the machining and my estimates are based on my best guess. Here is a link to the FAQ and it may help answer some of your questions.

      FAQ for DOHC head


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